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Eastern Indian/Frontier Art
John Buxton

The Susquehanna by John Buxton


The Susquehanna -Waterway by John Buxton

This is the "First of State" Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) Conserve 2000 stamp print program done with artwork from John Buxton. Funds raised as part of this program will be used for aquatic resource protection, habitat restoration and enhancement, species protection and restoration, pollution assessment and abatement projects, and recreational access improvements. Artist John Buxton was commissioned by the PFBC to initiate this program.

Here you find the Susquehanna River in the early 1700's, much the way it looks now. Wide, shallow and studed with islands, the river was a highway for the region's early settlers. The river enabled the largely agricultural homesteads to transport their excess produce to market. Duguots (sometimes 2 lashed together) and lightweight bark canoes were commonly used for transport. Later large plank boats were used to carry even more goods downstream, some of the largest sold for their lumber upon reaching their destinations.

The accompanying text with this print purchase goes into further detail about transportation and development on the Susquehanna River. As this is a stamp print program, purchase of the limited edition print includes the "mint" stamp with an artist's signed stamp available for $8.00 additional.



Size - 11" x 15"
Edition Size - 950 signed and numbered paper prints



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Gettysburg, PA 17325
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