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Eastern Indian/Frontier Art
Robert Griffing

The Reunion by Robert Griffing


The Reunion by Robert Griffing


(4th Braddock Series Print)

In late November 1758, after finally capturing Fort Duquesne, General Forbes ordered Lieutenant Samuel West and a detachment of the Pennsylvania Regiment to head an expedition to Braddock's Field and bury the bones of the soldiers slain on that fateful day on July 9, 1755. Accompanying the expedition were some officers of the 77th Highlander Regiment, local Indians, and Forbes' Aide de Camp, Major Francis Halket, who hoped to find the remains of his father, Sir Peter Halket, and his brother, James. Questioning the Indians, Halket found one who remembered an officer being struck down at the foot of a remarkable tree. When a second officer ran to give assistance, he too was shot and collapsed on top of the other. The Indian was confident that if he could find the tree, Francis would find his father and brother. Robert Griffing's fourth and final image of the Braddock Series depicts the scene as young Halket identifies their remains.

Other prints in the Braddock Series: A Warning For General Braddock, The Crossing and Triumphant Return To Fort Duquesne.


Image Size: 18 1/2" x 23"
Edition Size: 1250 signed and numbered paper prints
Price: $265.00
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